For insight and awareness

Karma and healing for horse and human

2023-11-16T08:04:36+01:00February 3, 2021|Horse behavior, Horse sick|

The moment we are born, we already carry karma from past lives. With this we attract the lessons we want to learn in this life, the experiences we want to have. Horses also carry karma with them, observable in their energy field. The coming together of horse and human can cause them to touch each others points of pain. The horse expresses this through behavior and/or illness. [...]

A horse that bites, boundaries and self-power

2023-10-24T14:09:03+01:00November 15, 2020|Horse behavior|

Sometimes you see them, a horse that inexorably bites when you approach it. While at other moments this is totally out of the question, the horse has a soft nature. Such a horse that bites is a very good teacher. With the behavior of biting the horse shows you that you are not present in yourself. Thus it tells you to stay away, it has clear boundaries. You are welcome when you are present. [...]

Your horse as mirror of your soul

2023-12-29T07:55:09+01:00January 31, 2018|Horse behavior, Horse sick|

We like to surround ourselves with people with whom we have something in common, for example the love for horses, but also in character traits. This also applies to the horse-human relationship, we attract each other because there is something in common. Horses are in this connection a very sensitive and direct mirror with their behavior. This ensures that your horse shows you what [...]

The Symbolism and Power of Horses

2023-10-26T18:32:40+01:00May 30, 2017|Horse general, Symbolism|

You can find the symbolism and power of the horses in their appearance and behavior. Horses carry a deep wisdom inside them, a wisdom that goed beyond the physical world to the invisible world. They take you with them into the depth, to power and freedom, on a journey to this invisible world. History
 The horses have allowed being domesticated about 6,000 years ago. [...]

Message of three deceased foals

2023-10-24T14:20:19+01:00September 19, 2016|Horse general|

A couple has shetlanders that gave birth to three fillies last spring/summer. Unfortunately, all three foals have already passed away. The first two foals were born at night in the barn and found dead the next morning. Thus, it is unknown at what time they died. The third foal was born 2 months later in the pasture and lived for 4-5 weeks. It looked healthy until the last moment, in the morning ...

My horse has a fever, now what?

2023-12-29T07:57:00+01:00September 10, 2014|Horse sick|

A horse with a fever will be lethargic and have a reduced or no appetite. Sweating is also possible. The normal temperature of a horse at rest is between 37,4 - 38ºC / 99.3 - 100.4ºF (for foals this is a little bit higher). It is useful to know the normal temperature of your horse, this can vary from horse to horse. It is advisable to check the temperature several times a day to see how the temperature [...]

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